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La Ley de Privacidad del Consumidor de California (CCPA) le otorga derechos con respecto a cómo se tratan sus datos o información personal. Según la legislación, los residentes de California pueden optar por no participar en la "venta" de su información personal a terceros. Según la definición de CCPA, "venta" se refiere a la recopilación de datos con el fin de crear publicidad y otras comunicaciones. Obtenga más información sobre la CCPA y sus derechos de privacidad .

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Our Purpose

Is to honor the diverse heritage of Africa, Caribbean, and African American history through meticulously crafted scents and cosmetics. By utilizing natural ingredients directly sourced from these regions, we aim to curate a luxurious experience that transcends cultural boundaries. Our goal is to empower and heal individuals of all backgrounds, fostering a sense of pride, awareness, and a deeper understanding of the roots and legacy of the African/African American diaspora. Through our products, we invite everyone to partake in this cultural journey.

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Founder of Candiors Cosmetics

Our Founder

HOW IT STARTED: “As an artist who attended the Fashion Institute of Technology and studied fashion design, I have always been driven by fashion.

However, in 2018, I found a soft spot for scents and began studying and taking courses in my own time to learn how to create different types of scents. In that journey, I realized that scents can tell stories just like fashion, but in a much more intimate and personal way. Scents can be just as creative as making garments. This journey of discovering scents led to the creation of 'Candiors Cosmetics,' a name inspired by the idea of candor (honesty) both as a brand and in our products. We strive to embody candor in everything we do, especially in expressing the real history through our cosmetics.

The brand was officially founded in November 2022 and launched on February 2, 2024, and from there it's been history.”